Tales from the Crypt: Yellow (TV) (1991)

1991 · Movie · 39 min. · United States

The year is 1918. During World War I, somewhere in France, it's the 49th day of continuous battle on the front lines. Lieutenant Martin Kalthrob doesn't want to be in the army anymore and asks his father, General Kalthrob, for a discharge. His father refuses but says he will transfer him to the rear if he leads a patrol to the German lines and fix the broken communication line. When he proves himself to be a coward, his father orders a court martial with penalty of death by firing squad.

Direction Robert Zemeckis

Cast Kirk Douglas · Eric Douglas · Lance Henriksen · Dan Aykroyd · Dominick Morra · Steve Boyum · Chuck Picerni Jr. · Anthony Gallo · R. David Smith · Steven A. Hite

Soundtrack Alan Silvestri

Screenplay Gilbert Adler · A L Katz · Jim Thomas

Cinematography Don Burgess

Original title Tales from the Crypt: Yellow (TV)

Where to watch Tales from the Crypt: Yellow (TV) (1991)?

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Unfortunately, Tales from the Crypt: Yellow (TV) (1991) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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