The Fine Art of Love-Mine Haha (2005)

2005 · Movie · 107 min. · United Kingdom

Synopsis of The Fine Art of Love-Mine Haha (2005)

The Fine Art of Love... takes place at the start of the 20th century, in the German region of Thuringe. A group of young 16 year old girls are being educated deep in the forest, away from the rest of the world. Subjected to an iron discipline applied by the director of the school (Jacqueline Bisset), they find themselves confronted with the mysterious disappearance of two of their classmates and the arrival of a police inspector (Enrico Lo Verso) determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, tainted as it is with an erotic adolescent ambiance.

Direction John Irvin

Cast Jacqueline Bisset · Enrico Lo Verso · Galatea Ranzi · Tomás Hanák · Urbano Barberini · Silvia De Santis · Eva Grimaldi · Anya Lahiri · Natalia Tena

Soundtrack Paul Grabowsky

Screenplay James Carrington · Sadie Jones · Frank Wedeking

Cinematography Fabio Zamarion

Original title The Fine Art of Love-Mine Haha

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