The Big Blue (1988)

1988 · Movie · 168 min. · France

French Jacques Mayol (Jean-Marc Barr) and italian Enzo Maiorca (Jean Reno) have known each other for a long time. Their friendship started in their childhood days in the mediterranean. They were not real friends in these days, but there was something they both loved and used to do the whole day long: diving. One day Jacques' father, who was a diver too, died in the mediterranean sea. After that incident Enzo and Jacques lost contact. After several years, Enzo and Jacques had grown up, Johanna, a young clerk in a security office, has to go to Peru. There she meets Jacques who works for a group of scientist. He dives for some minutes into ice cold water and the scientist monitor his physical state that is more like a dolphin's than a human's. Johanna can not believe what she sees and gets very interested in Jacques but she's unable to get acquainted with him. Some weeks later, back in her office, she notices a championship for divers that is supposed to take place in Taormina, Italy. In order to see Jacques again she makes up a story so the firm sends her to Italy for business purposes. In Taormina there is also Enzo, the reigning diving world champion. He knows that only Jacques can challenge and probably beat him. This time Johanna and Jacques get closer, but Jacques, being more a dolphin than a man, can not really commit and his rivalry with Enzo pushes both man into dangerous territory...

Direction Luc Besson

Cast Jean-Marc Barr · Jean Reno · Rosanna Arquette · Jean Bouise · Paul Shenar · Sergio Castellitto · Valentina Vargas · Griffin Dunne

Soundtrack Eric Serra

Screenplay Luc Besson · Robert Garland · Jacques Mayol · Marc Perrier · Marilyn Goldin

Cinematography Carlo Varini

Original title Le grand bleu (The Big Blue)

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