The Battle of Neretva (1969)

1969 · Movie · 102 min. · Yugoslavia

Synopsis of The Battle of Neretva (1969)

In January 1943 German army, afraid of Allied invasion of Balkans, launched great offensive against Yugoslav Partisans in Western Bosnia. The only way out for Partisan forces and thousands of refugees was the bridge on the river Neretva.

Where to watch The Battle of Neretva (1969)? Streaming, buy, and rent

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We couldn’t find The Battle of Neretva (1969) on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm. Remember that with LiberFilm, you can explore the catalogs of Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, Max and Netflix.

Is The Battle of Neretva (1969) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

Many users search for whether The Battle of Neretva (1969) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.

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