The Tower Of The Seven Hunchbacks (La Torre de Los Siete Jorobados) (1944)

1944 · Movie · 81 min. · Spain

This 1944 Spanish film, the first directed by Edgar Neville (who was also a Count), was based on the Spanish Gothic horror novel by Emilio Carrere, El Torre de los Siete Jorobados. Although sometimes referred to in books on the history of the horror film, it is seldom seen. It combines many classic horror movie features with elements of humor and surrealism. In the story, an underground complex formerly used by Jews at the time of the Inquisition as a hiding place is now the hideout of a group of hunchbacks in the counterfeiting racket. The ghost of an anthropologist who was killed for having discovered the site enlists the aid of a heroic young man, Basilio Beltran (Antonio Casal) to protect his niece Dona Inez (Isabel de Pomes). She's in danger from the mastermind of the hunchbacks, Dr. Sabatino (Guillermo Marin). Typical of the film's offbeat approach are the periodic appearances of the ghost of Napolean, who can't seem to find the right seance. The bizarre mix of horror and comedy might appeal more to modern viewers than it did to audiences in the '40s.

Direction Edgar Neville

Cast Antonio Casal · Isabel de Pomés · Julia Lajos · Guillermo Marín · Félix de Pomés · Julia Pachelo · Manolita Morán · Antonio Riquelme

Soundtrack José Ruíz de Azagra

Screenplay Edgar Neville · José Santugini · Emilio Carrere

Cinematography Henri Barreyre

Original title La torre de los siete jorobados

Where to watch The Tower Of The Seven Hunchbacks (La Torre de Los Siete Jorobados) (1944)?

If you are wondering where to watch The Tower Of The Seven Hunchbacks (La Torre de Los Siete Jorobados) (1944), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, The Tower Of The Seven Hunchbacks (La Torre de Los Siete Jorobados) (1944) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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