Biohazard: The Alien Force (1995)

1995 · Movie · 88 min. · United States

Biohazard: The Alien Force (1995)

Triton Indutries has created a genetically-engineered creature using DNA from human sources. During the course of the experiment, however, the host mother carrying the mutant escapes from the laboratory compound, giving birth shortly thereafter. The intellient "baby" beings hunting down and killing its male DNA donors, while at the same time trying to mate with its female donors. The head of the lab wants to destroy the monster before the press can get wind of the story, but the former head of security wants to expose the whole thing.

Direction Steve Latshaw

Cast James L. Miles · Dorothy Best · Susan Fronsoe · Maddisen K. Krown · John Maynard · Christopher Mitchum · Steve Kurk · Robin Chapman · John Alexander

Soundtrack Jeffrey Walton

Screenplay Steve Latshaw · Patrick Moran

Cinematography Maxwell J. Beck

Original title Biohazard: The Alien Force

Where to watch Biohazard: The Alien Force (1995)?

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Unfortunately, Biohazard: The Alien Force (1995) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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