Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras (1972)
1972 · Movie · 71 min. · Portugal

Synopsis of Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras (1972)
Rape by an African foreman leads to the the mounting revolt of the labour force in an African colony. While some are forced to accept their condition of slaves, others prepare themselves to fight back at the armed repression.
Direction Lopes Barbosa
Cast Estevão Macunguel · Maklin Comiche · Gabriel Chiau · Helena Ubisse · António Feio · Gabriel Ferreira
Soundtrack Mundanwo Oblino Mabyaya · Jorge Paixão da Costa
Screenplay Lopes Barbosa · Luís Bernardo Honwana · Lindo Lhongo · António Jacinto · Orlando Méndez
Cinematography Lopes Barbosa
Original title Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras
Where to watch Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras (1972)? Streaming, buy, and rent
If you’re wondering where to watch Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras (1972), LiberFilm provides you with all the available options to enjoy it online. Discover which streaming, rental, or purchase platforms offer it, with the best quality and price.
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Many users search for whether Deixem-me ao Menos Subir às Palmeiras (1972) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.
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Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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