Invasion of the Pod People (2007)

2007 · Movie · 85 min. · United States

Invasion of the Pod People (2007)

After a meteor shower in California, Melissa feels that her co-workers and her boss Samantha that work in the agency owned by Vickland are acting differently after receiving a weird plant. She shares her fears with her colleague Billie and with Detective Alexander that are the only persons that she can trust.

Direction Justin Jones

Cast Erica Roby · Jessica Bork · Sarah Lieving · Danae Nason · Shaley Scott · Michael Tower · David Shick · Amanda Ward · Marat Glazer · Lorraine Smith

Screenplay Leigh Scott

Cinematography Bianca Bahena · Leigh Scott

Original title Invasion of the Pod People (Invasion: The Beginning)

Where to watch Invasion of the Pod People (2007)?

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Unfortunately, Invasion of the Pod People (2007) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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