Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Premonition (TV) (1955)

1955 · Movie · 26 min. · United States

Musician Kim Stanger returns to his hometown, but is troubled by a vague premonition that something is wrong. Indeed, his friends and family seem quite uncomfortable to see him. He particularly wants to see his father, but he learns that his father is dead. His family tells him that his father died of a heart attack while playing tennis four years ago, but Kim finds a number of discrepancies in the details they give him. He insists on finding out what really happened, even when everyone seems determined to stop him from learning the truth.

Direction Robert Stevens

Cast John Forsythe · Cloris Leachman · Warren Stevens · George Macready · Percy Helton · Harry Tyler · Paul Brinegar · Alfred Hitchcock

Screenplay Harold Swanton

Cinematography Reggie Lanning

Original title Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Premonition (TV)

Also known as Premonition

Where to watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Premonition (TV) (1955)?

If you are wondering where to watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Premonition (TV) (1955), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Premonition (TV) (1955) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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