The Twilight Zone: A Stop at Willoughby (TV) (1959)

1959 · Movie · 25 min. · United States

Ad agency executive Garth Williams has had a particularly rough day - his young protégé has left to work at another agency and took a $3 million account him. He falls asleep on the train home and wakes up in another place and another time. It's July 1888 and he's in the village of Willoughby, a peaceful town where life is easy. He comes to back in his own time but as the pressures of works and his home life continue to mount, he decides Willoughby is exactly where he would like to spend the rest of days.

Direction Robert Parrish

Cast James Daly · Howard Smith · Patricia Donahue · Jason Wingreen · Mavis Neal Palmer · James Maloney

Soundtrack Nathan Scott

Screenplay Rod Serling

Cinematography George T. Clemens

Original title The Twilight Zone: A Stop at Willoughby (TV)

Where to watch The Twilight Zone: A Stop at Willoughby (TV) (1959)?

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Unfortunately, The Twilight Zone: A Stop at Willoughby (TV) (1959) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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