The Lorelei's Grasp (1974)

1974 · Movie · 82 min. · Spain

The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptile-like creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sirgurd is engaged to kill the monster.

Direction Amando de Ossorio

Cast Tony Kendall · Helga Liné · Silvia Tortosa · Josefina Jartin · Loreta Tovar · Luis Induni · Joseph Thelman · Betsabé Ruiz · Marisol Delgado · Luis Barboo · Victoria Hernández

Soundtrack Antón García Abril

Screenplay Amando de Ossorio

Cinematography Miguel Fernández Mila

Original title Las garras de Lorelei

Also known as When the Screaming Stops

Where to watch The Lorelei's Grasp (1974)?

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Unfortunately, The Lorelei's Grasp (1974) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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