Say Ah-h! (S) (1928)

1928 · Movie · 14 min. · United States

Say Ah-h! (S) (1928)

Only the second half of this film is known to exist. A disgruntled man at a country kitchen REALLY wants an ostrich egg, and there are numerous problems in satisfying his wishes with Charley Bowers in charge of procuring the egg. One egg is rock hard from feeding the ostrich cement. Another turns out to be a melon. In the meantime, Charley puts whatever he can find into the feed grinder to make ostrich food, including a pillow, a broom, a hoe, some clothes, and a feather duster. He feeds it to the ostrich, who promptly lays an egg. The egg, however, hatches another ostrich, one constructed of the items Charley fed into the feeder! In a brilliant display of stop motion, this full-sized surrealist ostrich walks, dances, operates a phonograph, and eats everything in sight, including a large metal stove! In the end, it lays its own eggs, which hatch into miniature versions of the faux ostrich, that dance just like their mother.

Direction Charles R. Bowers

Cast Charles R. Bowers · J. Gordon Russell · Jean Douglas · Eddie Dunn · Buster Brodie · Kewpie Morgan · Ray Turner

Screenplay Charles R. Bowers

Cinematography Harold L. Muller

Original title Say Ah-h! (S)

Where to watch Say Ah-h! (S) (1928)?

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Unfortunately, Say Ah-h! (S) (1928) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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