The Snow Queen (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)
1985 · Movie · 60 min. · United States
Synopsis of The Snow Queen (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)
The warmth of a good friend can melt any sort of trouble, as Gerta (Little House On The Prairie's Melissa Gilbert) and Kay (Outbreak's Lance Kerwin) are about to find out in this retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. When a goblin curses Kay with an enchanted mirror, he turns cold and scornful-disbelieving anything that can't be proven by hard facts, especially Gerta's story about the Snow Queen. When he falls off the roof, he opens his eyes to find the Snow Queen (Days Of Wine and Roses'/The Long, Hot Summer's Lee Remick) does exist-as she's standing right over him! Before he knows it, he's secluded in her palace on the top of the world and slowly freezing to death. Gerta-with the help of The Lady of Summer (American Gigolo's Lauren Hutton) and a flying reindeer-makes her way to her friend in hopes of melting away his bitterness. But will she get there in time to save him?
Direction Peter Medak
Cast Melissa Gilbert · Lauren Hutton · Lee Remick · Mary Jackson · Lance Kerwin · Linda Manz · Bobby Porter
Soundtrack Stephen Barber
Screenplay Maryedith Burrell
Original title The Snow Queen (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV)
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