A Nanny for Christmas (2010)

2010 · Movie · 88 min. · United States

A no-nonsense businesswoman receives the most precious Christmas gift she could have asked for in this yuletide comedy of errors starring Emmanuelle Vaugier and Dean Cain. Hard working Ally (Vaugier) is on the hunt for a job when she manages the impressive feat of landing an interview with overworked advertising executive Samantha (Cynthia Gibb), who's more in need of a nanny than an extra employee in the office. When Samantha offers Ally a job as an au pair, the ambitious applicant reluctantly accepts. Almost immediately thereafter, Ally has a chance encounter with handsome and charming businessman Justin (Richard Ruccolo), but experiences a severe bout of insecurity concerning her recent career path. Fortunately for Ally, straight-talking chocolatier Danny Donner (Cain) offers some wise words of wisdom that bestow her with the confidence needed to win Justin's heart.

Direction Michael Feifer

Cast Emmanuelle Vaugier · Dean Cain · Richard Ruccolo · Cynthia Gibb · Keith Dobbins

Soundtrack Chad Rehmann

Screenplay Michael Ciminera · Richard Gnolfo · Jeffrey Schenck · Peter Sullivan

Cinematography Carl Bartels

Original title A Nanny for Christmas

Where to watch A Nanny for Christmas (2010)?

If you are wondering where to watch A Nanny for Christmas (2010), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch A Nanny for Christmas (2010) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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