Secuestro Express (2005)

2005 · Movie · 86 min. · Venezuela

Every sixty minutes a person is abducted in Latin America. 70% of the victims do not survive. "Secuestro Express" is the frightening story of one young couple's ordeal as they careen through the underbelly of Caracas, Venezuela in the hands of three thugs who've made them their latest payday. Carla and Martin are a young upper-class couple fresh off of a night of dancing and partying when they cross paths with Trece, Budu and Niga, three men who make their living by kidnapping unwitting young adults to extort quick money from their wealthy parents. Carla and Martin become their next victims and are sent on a terrifying overnight journey through Caracas as they wait for Carla's father Sergio to hand over twenty thousand dollas - a small amount for a rich Caraqueno, but the equivalent of almost 5 years of the Venezuelan minimum wage.

Direction Jonathan Jakubowicz

Cast Mía Maestro · Rubén Blades · Carlos Julio Molina · Pedro Pérez · Carlos Madera · Jean Paul Leroux

Soundtrack Angelo Milli

Screenplay Jonathan Jakubowicz

Cinematography David Chalker

Original title Secuestro Express

Where to watch Secuestro Express (2005)?

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Unfortunately, Secuestro Express (2005) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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