Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski (1975)

1975 · Movie · 90 min. · France

Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski

Synopsis of Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski (1975)

Adolfo Arrieta’s third feature film stars famed French transsexual and founding member of the FHAR (Homosexual Front for Revolutionary Action), Marie-France, and is widely regarded as the first Parisian underground film. The loose plot revolves around the ex-wife of a famous sculptor who convinces her lover to remove a work by her ex-husband and replace it with a live model. “Its subject is the Paris transvestite scene and it’s depicted with the flair of Jack Smith, the directness of Andy Warhol, and the special tenderness of Arrieta. I salute the Poet.” — Jonas Mekas, February, 1975.

Direction Adolfo Arrieta

Cast Marie-France · Michéle Moretti · Gaëtane Gaël · Hélène Hazéra · Michel Cressolle · Howard Vernon · Xavier Grandès

Screenplay Adolfo Arrieta

Original title Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski

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