Tokyo Babylon (1992)

1992 · Movie · 95 min. · Japan

Tokyo Babylon

Synopsis of Tokyo Babylon (1992)

Subaru Sumeragi is the 13th head of the Sumeragi Clan and a most powerful onmyouji. Subaru is hired to exorcise a construction sight, but his employer mysteriously died. The only suspect is a man who repeatedly walks away from situations in which he should have died. Then Subaru meets a young women intent upon cursing the man, saying that he killed her brother. Subaru must figure out how his employer died and fight the evil spirits that are protecting the man with the help of his friend and twin sister, Seishirou Sakurazuka and Hokuto Sumeragi.

Direction Kôichi Chigira

Soundtrack Toshiyuki Honda

Screenplay Tatsuhiko Urahata · CLAMP

Cinematography Hitoshi Yamaguchi

Original title Tokyo Babylon

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