The Mating Season (1951)

1951 · Movie · 101 min. · United States

White-collar working stiff but upwardly mobile Val McNulty meets, quickly falls in love and marries socialite Maggie Carleton, who has no money of her own. Thus, they live in a modest apartment on Val's wages. At the same time, Val's widowed mother, Ellen, without funds of her own when the bank forecloses on her family business, a hamburger stand, decides to move from New Jersey to Ohio to live with Val. Her plans change when she finds out about Val's upcoming nuptials as she doesn't want to upset Val's life with his new wife. She also doesn't want to meet Maggie until she feels she has enough money at least to make herself "presentable" to someone of Maggie's social class. Once Ellen feels that is the case, she goes over to Val and Maggie's where a case of mistaken identity ensues when Maggie assumes Ellen is the cook hired for a dinner party happening that evening. Wanting to help her new daughter-in-law, Ellen doesn't correct Maggie. Although Val eventually finds out who the cook is, Ellen convinces him - blackmails really - that she can be of better assistance to Maggie as Ellen the live-in full-time household cook, than Mrs. McNulty her new mother-in-law.

Where to watch The Mating Season (1951)?

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Unfortunately, The Mating Season (1951) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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