The Price to Pay (2007)

2007 · Movie · 95 min. · France

Jean-Pierre Ménard, had it up to here with his wife’s refusal to fulfill her “conjugal duties”, decides to halt the money flow by establishing a new rule between them: “No sex, no cash!”. Jean-Pierre Ménard, a rich businessman, has everything he needs to be happy: a successful career, a beautiful wife, Odile, a sixteen-year-old daughter, a lovely apartment, and a fine car with chauffeur. He does, however, have one little problem: For several years now he and his wife have had separate bedrooms, and he feels alone, very alone. He no longer knows what to do, what to think. A little lost, he decides to confide in his chauffeur, Richard. Richard is also very frustrated right now. His girlfriend, Caroline, has decided to write. She’s been writing night and day for six months. Richard feels completely abandoned and suffers because of it. He’s at his wit’s end and has a cut-and-dried opinion about women: “She’s like all the others! Yours, mine, all of them! They take advantage of our dough!”. He finally imparts a precious piece of advice to his boss: “Cut off your wife’s means of survival, and you’ll see!” Jean-Pierre takes him at his word, steals his wife’s credit card in the middle of the night, and establishes a new rule between them: “No sex, no cash!”

Direction Alexandra Leclère

Cast Christian Clavier · Nathalie Baye · Gérard Lanvin · Geraldine Pailhas · Patrick Chesnais · Anaïs Demoustier · Maud Buquet · Francis Leplay

Soundtrack Philippe Eidel

Screenplay Alexandra Leclère

Cinematography Jean-François Robin

Original title Le prix à payer (The Price to Pay)

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