People Will Talk (1935)

1935 · Movie · 67 min. · United States

People Will Talk (1935)

Synopsis of People Will Talk (1935)

Henry and Clarice Wilkins have been married twenty-three years and are a model suburban couple who have never had a quarrel. But when their daughter,Peggy, and her husband, Bill Trask, have a squabble, Clarice has a plan to show the daughter just how distasteful domestic bickering appears; She enters into an agreement with Henry that they will fake a fuss to serve as an object lesson. Clarice's will to play the game and her sense of humor play out at about the same time when Henry's remarks become more pointed as the charade goes on. Their fake fight is soon a real barn-burner.

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We couldn’t find People Will Talk (1935) on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm. Remember that with LiberFilm, you can explore the catalogs of Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, Max and Netflix.

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