A Father for Brittany (TV) (1998)

1998 · Movie · 91 min. · United States

A compelling true story of a father who goes to court to fight for his right to keep his adopted daughter. Unable to conceive a child, Kim Lussier (Teri Polo) loses no time investigating adoption. To her husband, Keith (Andrew McCarthy), the adoption process seems like a remote possibility, until he sees a picture of his daughter to be, whom they name Brittany. When Kim is suddenly diagnosed with cancer, it seems that their dream of becoming parents may not come true. But, she receives a positive prognosis and the adoption process continues. With Kim recovering from surgery and weakened by chemotherapy, Keith assumes most of the parental responsibilities when Brittany comes home. Then, Kim’s illness recurs and soon Keith is a single parent. With barely any time for Keith to grieve, the agency refuses to finalize his adoption of Brittany and places her in another home. All of Keith’s time and energy must now be devoted to preparation for the most important battle of his life. He lost his wife but he will not lose his child.

Direction Alan Metzger

Cast Andrew McCarthy · Michael Learned · Teri Polo · Linda Sorenson · Shirley Knight · Chuck Shamata · Andrew Tarbet · Jonathan Welsh · Ric Reid · Judah Katz

Soundtrack James McVay

Screenplay Scott Swanton

Cinematography Geoffrey Erb

Original title A Father for Brittany (TV)

Also known as A Change of Heart

Where to watch A Father for Brittany (TV) (1998)?

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In the United States, you can watch A Father for Brittany (TV) (1998) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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