God Told Me To (1976)

1976 · Movie · 91 min. · United States

The storyline of this movie involves a series of motiveless murders committed by various New York residents: a sniper shoots people from a water tower; a father murders his entire family; and a cop (Andy Kaufman) opens fire during a St. Patrick's Day parade. The only consistent pattern to the crimes involves the perpetrators calm admissions of guilt, explaining, "God told me to." While investigating the murders, catholic police detective Peter Nicholas (Tony Lo Bianco) is increasingly troubled by evidence of a Christ-like figure named Bernard Phillips (Richard Lynch) who appeared to each of the killers and can't seem to shake the feeling that his own fate is somewhat linked to this mysterious being. As he comes closer to the truth, his worst fears are confirmed.

Direction Larry Cohen

Cast Tony Lo Bianco · Deborah Raffin · Sandy Dennis · Sylvia Sidney · Sam Levene · Robert Drivas · Mike Kellin · Richard Lynch

Soundtrack Frank Cordell

Screenplay Larry Cohen

Cinematography Paul Glickman

Original title God Told Me To

Where to watch God Told Me To (1976)?

If you are wondering where to watch God Told Me To (1976), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch God Told Me To (1976) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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