Digimon Tamers (TV Series)

2001 · Series · 30 min. · Japan

Digimon Tamers (TV Series)

Digimon Tamers (Dejimon Teimāzu) is the third animated series based on the Digimon franchise, first broadcast in 2001. The story takes place initially in the "real" world, a world much like ours where Digimon is just a franchise, composed of video games, a collectible card game, and a cartoon series. A group of 12-year-olds (10-year olds in the Japanese version), Takato, Henry and Rika (fans of the Digimon card game) meet their own Digimon friends and start to duel "bio-emerging" Digimon who cross the barrier between the inforpationt network, synthesizing proteins and becoming real. Most of it set in the modern Tokyo ward of Shinjuku and only changes scenario to the Digital World for a short time.

Direction Yukio Kaizawa

Soundtrack Takanori Arisawa · Kōji Wada

Screenplay Akiyoshi Hongo · Chiaki Konaka

Original title Dejimon Teimâzu - Digimon Tamers (TV Series)

Also known as Digimon 3


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