Grey Wolf & Little Red Riding Hood
1990 · Movie · 27 min. · Soviet Union (USSR)
The film begins with Red Riding Hood and her mother making a pie for sickly grandma--who in this case is visiting Paris! This means that Red must go from Moscow to Paris carrying a pie--all alone! During this dangerous trek, she is pursued by the wolf, who is absolutely AMAZING in how he is able to dispatch so many victims! Not only does he swallow them, but after a while there are dozens he's swallowed and periodically the camera switches to inside the wolf's belly--where you can see everyone inside talking and trying to figure a way out of its stomach! What will become of Red? Well, see the film to find out for yourself.
Direction Garri Bardin
Screenplay Garri Bardin · Yuri Entin
Cinematography Sergey Khlebnikov · Vadim Prudnikov · Valeriy Strukov
Original title Seryy Volk end Krasnaya Shapochka (Grey Wolf & Little Red Riding Hood)
109 votes (FilmAffinity)
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