Forty Guns (1957)

1957 · Movie · 79 min. · United States

Jessica Drummond (Barbara Stanwyck) is a despotic landowner who, with a posse of hired guns, has made herself the law of Cochise County, Arizona, with the weak-willed sheriff Ned Logan (Dean Jagger) knuckling under to her demands. One day, Griff Bonnell (Barry Sullivan), a one-time gunfighter turned United States Marshall, arrives with his brothers Wes (Gene Barry) and Chico (Robert Dix) to restore democratic law and order to Cochise County. Griff soon tangles with Drummond's brother Brockie (John Ericson), though Jessica is attracted to the new lawman, and Griff finds love with female gunsmith Louvenia Spangler (Eve Brent). Griff and Louvenia marry, but on their wedding day, Brockie murders Wes, and Griff, who takes pride in the fact that he has never fired his gun since becoming a marshal, must now break his vow of non-violence.

Direction Samuel Fuller

Cast Barbara Stanwyck · Barry Sullivan · Dean Jagger · John Ericson · Gene Barry · Robert Dix · Eve Brent · Hank Worden · Chuck Roberson · Paul Dubov · George Sowards · Jack Stoney · Sandy Wirth · Chuck Hayward · Tex Driscoll · Jack Perrin

Soundtrack Harry Sukman

Screenplay Samuel Fuller

Cinematography Joseph F. Biroc

Original title Forty Guns

Also known as 40 Guns

Where to watch Forty Guns (1957)?

If you are wondering where to watch Forty Guns (1957), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, Forty Guns (1957) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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