Môretsu Atarô (TV Series)
1969 · Series · 25 min. · Japan
The plot revolves around a young named Ataro who lives with his father X-Goro (read as Batsu-Goro) in downtown Tokyo running the family store. After his father's sudden death, Ataro must take care of the store himself and, along with the help of his father's ghost, his friend Dekoppachi, former yakuza leader Butamatsu, and a nutty alley cat named Nyarome, he protects it from the gang leader Kokoro Boss.
Direction Nobutaka Nishizawa · Isao Takahata · Yasuo Yamaguchi · Fujio Akatsuka
Screenplay Fujio Akatsuka · Masaki Tsuji · Shin'ichi Yukimuro
Original title Môretsu Atarô (TV Series)
Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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