One Love (2003)
2003 · Movie · 100 min. · Jamaica

Synopsis of One Love (2003)
Kassa a free-wheelin rasta man, falls for a straight laced gospel singer Serena, when they both meet as they enter a music contest. Serena's father the pastor forbids her to see him and wants her to marry one of his church members. Meanwhile the record boss organizing the contest, tries to get Kassa's band to sign to his label on his terms not theirs. By using heavy tactics, he pushes the band to fight back.
Direction Rick Elgood · Don Letts
Cast Ky-Mani Marley · Cherine Anderson · Winston Stona · Idris Elba · Vas Blackwood · Carl Bradshaw · Alex Rosén
Soundtrack Simon Bass
Screenplay Trevor D. Rhone
Cinematography John Christian Rosenlund
Original title One Love
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Is One Love on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether One Love (2003) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, One Love (2003) is available on Prime Video. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:
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