The Traffic Policeman (1960)

1960 · Movie · 100 min. · Italy

Othello (Alberto Sordi), an unemployed loser, is constantly being jeered at and publicly humilated at the local Cafès and bars, for being a useless man supported by his hard working wife, until through family connections and friends he gets a job as a traffic policeman in his small provincial town. The table is completely overturned, and as he proudly struts around in his black shining uniform, not a bad word is said behind his back,as he smugly points out to his son, because now Othello has become the authority, and no-one dares move when he passes by. However there is one problem,he enters his role with a little too enthusiasm, fining and hassling everyone, including the Mayor (Vittorio de Sica), local politicians and big wigs, but their annoyance is further increased, when he enters the local political scene, as a mayoral candidate with resounding success upsetting the established order, and at this point the old plutocrats hit back,and Othello, is forced by blackmail, to return to his former police job.

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