Mike, Lu & Og (TV Series)
1999 · Series · 22 min. · United States
Mike Lu & Og is one of Cartoon Network's shows that belongs to a collection of original network series known as Cartoon Cartoons. The show features a spunky, red-haired girl named Mike (short for Micheline; call her that and you'll be in big trouble), who's a foreign exchange student from Manhattan, New York, a stuck-up island princess named Lu, her cousin Og, a native boy and a scientific genius who can come up with a number of inventions as they go through the wackiest adventures as Mike learns the customs of the island of Albonquetine and the natives, in turn, learn of American culture.
Direction Mikhail Shindel · Mikhail Aldashin · Charles Swenson · Elena Rogova · Aleksandr Tatarskiy
Soundtrack Vladimir Horunzhy
Original title Mike, Lu & Og (TV Series)
84 votes (FilmAffinity)
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