The Flag (S) (1927)

1927 · Movie · 20 min. · United States

The Flag (S) (1927)

George Washington, commander of revolutionary American forces, ends a squabble among the colonies as to under which flag the Americans will fight the British by recommending a new flag for all the colonies. He asks Betsy Ross to design and create the first flag. Meanwhile, British officer Brandon has crossed enemy lines in order to visit secretly his wife, who boards in the same house as Betsy Ross. Ross helps Mrs. Brandon hide her husband, but then Washington himself discovers the hidden enemy and must decide whether love or the rules of war shall prevail.

Direction Arthur Maude

Cast Francis X. Bushman · Enid Bennett · Johnnie Walker · Alice Calhoun

Screenplay Arthur Maude · L.V. Jefferson

Cinematography Ray Rennahan

Original title The Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross (S)

Where to watch The Flag (S) (1927)?

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