Le sang des îles d'or (TV) (2017)

2017 · Movie · 95 min. · France

Le sang des îles d'or (TV) (2017)

Ariane, a brilliant young criminologist living on France's Mediterranean coast, investigates the kidnapping and murder of a young woman. The case reawakens horrors of the past; three years ago, Ariane's cousin Elodie was killed, too. Even worse, Ariane's mother, homicide inspector Sandra, was suspected to be involved in the case. Rejected by her colleagues, she quit the police force. When Sandra's former boss invites her to help out on the new case, mother and daughter, who had a visceral falling-out over Elodie's murder, have to join forces. Aware that neither of them can solve the case alone, Ariane and Sandra reluctantly agree to lay aside their bitterness and anger and nail the man who already tried to destroy Sandra's life in the past and is now determined to destroy the lives of both mother and daughter.

Where to watch Le sang des îles d'or (TV) (2017)?

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Unfortunately, Le sang des îles d'or (TV) (2017) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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