La soif de l'or (1993)
1993 · Movie · 81 min. · France

Synopsis of La soif de l'or (1993)
Urbain Donnadieu (Christian Clavier), General Manager of a manufactured home company, raised by his grandmother Zezette, worship by the benefits. First class miser, robs 60,000 francs a day in his company, which has been converted into ingots. And that he would like to spend in Switzerland. He decides to hide the gold in the bricks of a house for sell. But he doesn't know that his wife is in cahoots with her lover, also known as Urbain's accountant knows his plan too.
Direction Gérard Oury
Cast Christian Clavier · Tsilla Chelton · Catherine Jacob · Philippe Khorsand · Marine Delterme · Pascal Greggory · Bernard Haller · Jacky Nercessian · Doud · Albert Dray
Soundtrack Vladimir Cosma
Screenplay Christian Clavier · Marcel Jullian · Gérard Oury
Cinematography Tonino Delli Colli
Original title La soif de l'or
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