Desideria and The Dragon Ring (TV) (1994)

1994 · Movie · 186 min. · Italy

Desideria is the eldest daughter of the Dragon King and Queen, rulers of a powerful conquering kingdom. Selvaggia is the magical adopted daughter of the Dragon King and Queen, and although she is constantly playing tricks to get her elder sister in trouble, she is frequently praised as being the smarter and better daughter. As the eldest birth daughter of the Dragon King, Desideria is due to inherit the Dragon Ring, the highest symbol of power in the kingdom, but she can only do so once she has chosen a husband. Unfortunately, the prince that finally catches her attention is Prince Victor, a rebel prince who has fought against her father and is to be sentenced to death for his treachery. Desideria helps Victor escape from the castle prisons, but her father catches her in the act and she is punished. The Dragon King decides to let all the princes in his conquered kingdoms fight in a tournament for her hand in marriage, but when Desideria sees that all the princes are selfish, cruel men, she runs away. When the Dragon King discovers that she has fled, he declares that Desideria has forfeited her right to the throne and Selvaggia will become the new prize. But unknown to him, the jealous Selvaggia wants to beat her elder sister completely. Desideria eventually ends up in the desert, where she is saved from the Witches of the Sand by none other than Prince Victor himself. She learns from him and other rebels in his camp that her beloved father is actually a cruel and vicious ruler. Just as she agrees to fight at Victor's side, Selvaggia casts a spell from the castle, causing Victor to fall in love with her and rush to join the tournament to win Selvaggia's hand.

Direction Lamberto Bava

Cast Anna Falchi · Franco Nero · Sophie von Kessel · Joel Beeson · Billie Zockler · Ute Christensen · Karel Roden · Stefania Sandrelli · Marek Vasut · Lubomir Misak · Nikol Stíbrová · Zuzana Rybárová · Katarina Litomericka · Jan Kolinsky

Soundtrack Amedeo Minghi

Screenplay Gianni Romoli

Cinematography Romano Albani

Original title Desideria e l'anello del drago - The Dragon Ring (TV)

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