To the Ends of the Earth (TV Miniseries) (2005)

2005 · Series · 267 min. · United Kingdom

It's 1812 and Edmund Talbot is travelling on board a decrepit wooden warship. He is on his way to Australia to take up a Government post secured for him by his rich and influential godfather. Edmund is young, witty and naive, and all set for adventure and bravery in the face of whatever a long sea voyage might throw at him. The ship he travels in 'renders like an old boot' and there's nothing in the least bit romantic about it. It is crammed with a disparate assortment of officers, seamen and passengers (made up of gentlemen like Talbot and few ladies) and a 'cargo' of poor emigrants. Presiding over this little society is the irascible Captain Anderson , who is positively hostile to Talbot until he learns of the young man's powerful patron, which makes him grudgingly respectful.

Where to watch To the Ends of the Earth (TV Miniseries) (2005)?

If you are wondering where to watch To the Ends of the Earth (TV Miniseries) (2005), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch To the Ends of the Earth (TV Miniseries) (2005) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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