Le fils (1973)
1973 · Movie · 100 min. · France

Synopsis of Le fils (1973)
Ange leaves New York to fly to his native Corsica. His mother is dying and Ange, who was not present when his father died, wishes to be present at her death. In Corsica Ange finds his brother Baptiste who married Maria, the woman he loved. He finds out that his father was killed, but nobody wants to tell him the name of the killer. And finally he finds two killers expecting him.
Direction Pierre Granier-Deferre
Cast Yves Montand · Lea Massari · Marcel Bozzuffi · Frédéric de Pasquale · Germaine Delbat · Paul Amiot · Hubert Gignoux · Pierre Londiche · Henri Nassiet · Tony Taffin · Dominique Zardi · Yvon Lec
Soundtrack Philippe Sarde
Screenplay Pierre Granier-Deferre · Henri Graziani
Cinematography Philippe Brun
Original title Le fils
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