Miss Marple: 4:50 from Paddington (TV) (2004)
2004 · Movie · 94 min. · United Kingdom
Synopsis of Miss Marple: 4:50 from Paddington (TV) (2004)
A friend of Miss Marple, Mrs Elspeth McGillicuddy, is traveling down to meet Miss Marple on the 4.50 from Paddington. On the way she witnesses a murder when her train draws alongside another train briefly traveling in the same direction. Mrs McGillicuddy reports her sighting to the Railway Police but no body is found. Miss Marple suspects that the body was thrown off the train near the grounds of Rutherford Hall. Miss Marple recruits the services of her niece, Lucy Eeylesbarrow (played by Amanda Holden), to infiltrate the staff at Rutherford Hall and investigate the large, wealthy and dysfunctional Crackenthorpe family whose ancestral home it is. She also gets the local police, in the form of Inspector Tom Campbell (John Hannah), involved.
Direction Andy Wilson
Cast Geraldine McEwan · John Hannah · Celia Imrie · Griff Rhys Jones · David Warner · Niamh Cusack · Ben Daniels · Charlie Creed-Miles · Ciarán McMenamin · Pam Ferris · Tim Stern · Michael Landes · Kurtis O'Brien · Toby Marlow · Rob Brydon · Rose Keegan · Pip Torrens · Amanda Holden · Tasha Bertram · Neve McIntosh · Meritxell Lavanchy · Jenny Agutter
Soundtrack Dominik Scherrer
Screenplay Stephen Churchett · Agatha Christie
Cinematography Martin Fuhrer
Original title Miss Marple: 4:50 from Paddington (TV)
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