Ma mère, le crabe et moi (TV) (2018)
2018 · Movie · 93 min. · France

Synopsis of Ma mère, le crabe et moi (TV) (2018)
14-year-old Tania starts to become aware that the boys at school are interested in her at the same time as she learns that her mother has breast cancer.
Direction Yann Samuell
Cast Émilie Dequenne · Lorette Nyssen · Jérôme Robart · Miveck Packa · Melchior Lebeaut · Jean-Michel Fete · Carole Franck · Clara Ponsot
Soundtrack Cyrille Aufort
Screenplay Elise Benroubi · Victoria Musiedlak · Anne Percin
Cinematography Lubomir Bakchev
Original title Ma mère, le crabe et moi (TV)
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