Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (TV) (1970)

1970 · Movie · 96 min. · United Kingdom

Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (TV) (1970)

The newly-regenerated Doctor is exiled to modern-day Earth by the Time Lords, where he becomes attached to the British branch of UNIT as their scientific adviser, ostensibly taking orders from Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Aided by Liz Shaw, the Doctor's first task is to investigate a shower of mysterious meteorites which landed in the countryside. The Time Lord discovers that these are no ordinary meteorites: in fact, the plastic-controlling Nestenes have landed, intending to use their automated servants, the Autons, to take over the Earth.

Direction Derek Martinus

Cast Jon Pertwee · Caroline John · Nicholas Courtney · Hugh Burden · Neil Wilson · Talfryn Thomas · John Breslin · Antony Webb · Helen Dorwar · George Lee · Allan Mitchell · Hamilton Dyce · Tessa Shaw

Soundtrack Dudley Simpson

Screenplay Robert Holmes · Sydney Newman

Original title Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (TV)

Where to watch Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (TV) (1970)?

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Unfortunately, Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (TV) (1970) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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