Ain't Misbehavin! (2013)

2013 · Documentary · 106 min. · France

Ain't Misbehavin! (2013)

The director of The Sorrow and the Pity, shares his memories with us, stories incredibly rich and fascinating, making of AIN’T MISBEHAVIN a cheerful and bittersweet trip in Cinema history. Son of the great Max Ophuls, Marcel can be a generous man and an admirer. Marcel talks with and about personalities like Jeanne Moreau, Bertold Brecht, Ernst Lubitsch, Otto Preminger, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick and, of course, his friend François Truffaut. A filmmaker without memory doesn't exist, here is Marcel Ophuls's “memorabilia store”.

Where to watch Ain't Misbehavin! (2013)?

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Unfortunately, Ain't Misbehavin! (2013) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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