Passage du thermomètre (S) (1982)
1982 · Documentary · 15 min. · France

Synopsis of Passage du thermomètre (S) (1982)
Film made by passing - passing through - passing through - passing from an erotic desire to a filmic desire. The eye slipping from one object of desire to another. Some pass, others enjoy. Ejaculation film during the transition from winter to spring. Suites d’enfilades, suites d’enculades. Suites of variations on the theme of the passage. Passage from underground to overground. Switch from black and white to color. Passage from day to night - passengers in the shade. Passage of desire. Switching from one image to another. Passage - message. Passage from the near to the far, from the far to the near: setting in the abyss. New fleeting visions in a public passage that does not lead to the metro.
Direction Jakobois
Screenplay Jakobois
Cinematography Jakobois
Original title Passage du thermomètre
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Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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