French Blue (1975)
1975 · Movie · 87 min. · France

Synopsis of French Blue (1975)
The head of an aristocratic family died, so everyone gather to mourn him and see who gets what from his estate. Greed, lust, love and class conflict between the family and their payed servants create a real mess rather quickly.
Direction Jean-Claude Laureux
Cast Françoise Brion · Corinne O'Brien · Michel Fortin · Jean-Gabriel Nordmann · Gaëtan Bloom · Alexandre Rignault · André Chaumeau · Katy Amaizo · Frédérique Barral · Brigitte Borghese
Soundtrack Maurice Lecoeur
Screenplay Michel Parmentier · Jean-Claude Laureux
Cinematography Jean Orjollet
Original title Les bijoux de famille
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