Van Wilder: Party Liaison (2002)

2002 · Movie · 92 min. · United States

In certain circles, Van Wilder is a living legend at Coolidge College, where he's been a student now for seven years, not yet having completed his degree requirements. Despite being bright, he never attends classes anymore, instead hosting parties, imparting his brand of wisdom to his adoring fans, hosting school organization fundraisers, and rallying the college spirit among the student body. Conversely, Van loves his Coolidge life. In his antics, he has a 2ic in Hutch, and always hires a personal assistant, this year's being a South Asian transfer student named Taj, who wants to learn from the best, namely Van. Van's college life is threatened when his wealthy neglectful father only now learns that Van is still in school, Wilder Sr. who has been paying his way all this time. As such, Wilder Sr. pulls the plug on that subsidy, meaning that Van has to figure out a way to pay for his Coolidge life. Because of his living legend status, Van becomes the subject of a series of articles by ...

Direction Walt Becker

Cast Ryan Reynolds · Tara Reid · Tim Matheson · Paul Gleason · Kal Penn · Teck Holmes · Daniel Cosgrove · Deon Richmond · Alex Burns · Emily Rutherfurd

Soundtrack David Lawrence

Screenplay Brent Goldberg · David T. Wagner

Cinematography James R. Bagdonas

Original title Van Wilder: Party Liaison

Also known as National Lampoon's Van Wilder

Where to watch Van Wilder: Party Liaison (2002)?

If you are wondering where to watch Van Wilder: Party Liaison (2002), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Van Wilder: Party Liaison (2002) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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