The Mouse that Roared (1959)

1959 · Movie · 90 min. · United Kingdom

The economy of the teeny-tiny European duchy of Grand Fenwick is threatened when an American manufacturer comes up with an imitation of Fenwick's sole export, its fabled wine. Crafty prime minister Count Mountjoy (Peter Sellers) comes up with a plan: Grand Fenwick will declare war on the United States. Grand Duchess Gloriana (Peter Sellers again) is hesitant: how can meek little Grand Fenwick win such a conflict? Mountjoy explains that the plan is to lose the war, then rely upon American foreign aid to replenish Grand Fenwick's treasury. Bumbling military officer Tully Bascombe (Peter Sellers yet again) leads his country's ragtag army into battle. They cross the Atlantic in an ancient wooden vessel, then set foot on Manhattan Island, fully prepared to down weapons and surrender.

Direction Jack Arnold

Cast Peter Sellers · Jean Seberg · David Kossoff · William Hartnell · Leo McKern · MacDonald Parke

Soundtrack Edwin Astley

Screenplay Roger MacDougall · Stanley Mann · Leonard Wibberley

Cinematography John Wilcox

Original title The Mouse that Roared

Where to watch The Mouse that Roared (1959)?

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Unfortunately, The Mouse that Roared (1959) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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