Saving Planet Earth: Fixing a Hole (TV) (2018)

2018 · Documentary · 60 min. · United Kingdom

Saving Planet Earth: Fixing a Hole (TV) (2018)

This is a documentary about the scientific detection of the decrease of and the creation of , the ozone hole, that were highlighted and widely discused from the mid 70's till the montreal protocol were signed in the early 90' tells the basic story of the scientific development of cfc-gasses that were ultimately considered the main reason for ozone depletion in the athmosphere. through interviews with the most prominent politicians and scientists and representatives for the chemical companies in this era , gives a good perspective of how a ''world disaster'' were avoided. it isa very educational documentary on a topic nearly forgotten today, and disastrous if not having been taken care of.

Direction Jamie E. Lochhead

Cast David Attenborough

Soundtrack Max de Wardener

Screenplay Jamie E. Lochhead

Cinematography E.J. Enriquez · Mike Epple · Julian Schwanitz · George Woodcock

Original title Saving Planet Earth: Fixing a Hole (TV)

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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