Windmills of the Gods (TV Miniseries) (1988)

1988 · Series · 187 min. · United States

Windmills of the Gods (TV Miniseries) (1988)

When Mary Ashley (Jaclyn Smith) is approached to become Ambassador of the United States of America in Romania, she does not take the offer, because her husband does not want to give up his well-going doctor's office. Shortly afterward, Dr. Edward Ashley (David Ackroyd) gets killed in a car accident. After this, Mary reconsiders the offer, and finally accepts. Arriving in Romania, she is confronted with a complex plot, in which U.S. President Paul Ellison's (Michael Moriarty's) current plans to improve relations between the U.S. and Communist countries shall be sabotaged.

Where to watch Windmills of the Gods (TV Miniseries) (1988)?

If you are wondering where to watch Windmills of the Gods (TV Miniseries) (1988), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, Windmills of the Gods (TV Miniseries) (1988) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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