A Thousand Clowns (1965)

1965 · Movie · 118 min. · United States

Twelve-year-old Nick (played by Barry Gordon) lives with his Uncle Murray (Jason Robards), a Mr.Micawber-like Dickensian character who keeps hoping something won't turn up. What turns up is a social worker (Barbara Harris), who falls in love with Murray and a bit in love with Nick. As the child welfare people try to force Murray to become a conventional man (as the price they demand for allowing him to keep Nick), the nephew, who until now has gloried in his Uncle's iconoclastic approach to life, tries to play mediator. But when he succeeds, he is alarmed by the uncle's willingness to cave in to society in order to save the relationship.

Direction Fred Coe

Cast Jason Robards · Barbara Harris · Martin Balsam · Gene Saks · William Daniels · Philip Bruns · John McMartin · Barry Gordon

Soundtrack Don Walker

Screenplay Herb Gardner

Cinematography Arthur J. Ornitz

Original title A Thousand Clowns

Where to watch A Thousand Clowns (1965)?

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Unfortunately, A Thousand Clowns (1965) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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