The Saga of Hemp Brown (1958)

1958 · Movie · 80 min. · United States

The Saga of Hemp Brown (1958)

Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.

Direction Richard Carlson

Cast Rory Calhoun · Beverly Garland · John Larch · Russell Johnson · Fortunio Bonanova

Soundtrack Herman Stein

Screenplay Robert Creighton Williams · Bernard Girard

Cinematography Philip H. Lathrop

Original title The Saga of Hemp Brown

Where to watch The Saga of Hemp Brown (1958)?

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Unfortunately, The Saga of Hemp Brown (1958) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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