Dennis the Menace (TV Series) (1959)

1959 · Series · 30 min. · United States

TV Series (1959-1963) 146 episodes. The live-action adaptation of the Hank Ketcham comic strip of the same name. Dennis Mitchell was a loveable young boy, dressed in overalls and carrying a slingshot in his pocket. He only had one fault: his penchant for mischief. Everywhere he went, Dennis' wide-eyed curiosity, well-meaning attempts to help out and his simply being a normal American boy growing up always seemed to lead to trouble. Usually on the receiving end was Dennis' next-door neighbor, retired postal carrier George Wilson. Dennis worshiped Mr. Wilson, but the gruff old man overtly displayed a less-than-cordial attitude around the young lad. Mr. Wilson's wife, Martha, adored Dennis and saw him as a surrogate grandson (since the Wilsons never had any children). Dennis' long-suffering parents were Henry (an engineer) and Alice (a stay-at-home mother). Episodes revolved around Dennis' adventures and the trouble that usually followed.

Where to watch Dennis the Menace (TV Series) (1959)?

If you are wondering where to watch Dennis the Menace (TV Series) (1959), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Dennis the Menace (TV Series) (1959) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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