Wildflowers (1999)

1999 · Movie · 95 min. · United States

A mysterious girl becomes involved with a 17-year-old girl and changes her life forever. Cally (Clea DuVall) is a seventeen-year-old tomboy who lives with her out-of-touch father (Tomas Arana) aboard a houseboat in the California Bay Area. Her life seems trite and mundane until she's graced by a one-time encounter with an extremely exotic woman named Sabine (Daryl Hannah). Cally is taken by the mystery and drama that seems to envelop Sabine, and employs a friend (Eric Roberts) to help track her down. Soon Cally finds herself engrossed in a maze of suspense, where at the end of it all lies Sabine's true identity--a secret life Cally was destined to discover.

Direction Melissa Painter

Cast Daryl Hannah · Clea Duvall · Eric Roberts · Tomas Arana · Richard Hillman · Eric Yetter · Robert Hass · John Doe · Sheila Tousey · Irene Bedard

Soundtrack Sam Bisbee

Screenplay Melissa Painter

Cinematography Paul Ryan

Original title Wildflowers

Where to watch Wildflowers (1999)?

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Unfortunately, Wildflowers (1999) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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