Return to Oz (1985)

1985 · Movie · 113 min. · United States

Dorothy, back in Kansas, can't stop thinking about Oz, and even believes that her friends have sent her a key. Auntie Em, worried for Dorothy's health, takes her to a famous doctor who works miracles with electricity. When Dorothy escapes from the treatment, she and a chicken named Billina find themselves in Oz. But when Dorothy tries to find her old friends in the Emerald City, she learns that they've all been transformed by the Nome King. And the evil witch Mombie wants Dorothy's head. It's up to Dorothy, Billina, and their new friends, the clockwork Tik-Tok (aka the royal army of Oz), Jack Pumpkinhead, and a Gump-thing to defeat Mombie and the Nome King and restore the rightful ruler of Oz to her throne.

Direction Walter Murch

Cast Fairuza Balk · Nicol Williamson · Jean Marsh · Piper Laurie · Matt Clark · Michael Sundin · John Alexander

Soundtrack David Shire

Screenplay Walter Murch · Gil Dennis · L. Frank Baum

Cinematography David Watkin

Original title Return to Oz

Where to watch Return to Oz (1985)?

If you are wondering where to watch Return to Oz (1985), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Return to Oz (1985) online on Disney+. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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